Our Authors


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Ross MacDonald, What Would Jesus Craft?; How to Speak Golf; How to Speak Football; How to Speak Soccer

Aanchal Malhotra, The Book of Everlasting Things

Christine Mangan, Palace of the Drowned; The Continental Affair

Adam Mansbach, For This We Left Egypt?; A Field Guide to the Jewish People

Marc Maron, Waiting for the Punch

Dan Marshall, Home is Burning

Kate Alice Marshall, What Lies in the Woods; No One Can Know; A Killing Cold

Bobby Martin, The Hockey Stick Principles

T.J. Martinson, The Reign of the Kingfisher

Alex Marzano-Lesnevich, The Fact of a Body

Anthony McCarten, The Pope

Geraldine McCaughrean, Where the World Ends; Under a Fire-Red Sky

Mac McClelland, Irritable Hearts

Charlotte McConaghy, Migrations; Once There Were Wolves; Wild Dark Shore

James McLaughlin, Panther Gap

Fiona McPhillips, When We Were Silent

Samantha McVey, Stuff Mom Never Told You

Jacquie McNish, Losing the Signal

Corey Mead, The Lost Pilots

Bryan Mealer, The Kings of Big Spring

Brad Meltzer, The First Conspiracy, The Lincoln Conspiracy; The Nazi Conspiracy; The JFK Conspiracy

Josh Mensch, The First Conspiracy, The Lincoln Conspiracy; The Nazi Conpiracy

Ben Mezrich, Bitcoin Billionaires

Laura Miller, Raw. Vegan. Not Gross.

Lio Min, Beating Heart Baby; The LOVE Club

MindSumo, Freshman Year of Life

JM Miro, Ordinary Monsters; Bringer of Dust

Josh Mitteldorf, Cracking the Aging Code

Isaac Mizrahi, I.M.

Margarita Montimore, Oona Out of Order; Acts of Violet; The Dollhouse Academy

Bonnie Frumkin Morales, Kachka

North Morgan, Into?

Amelia Morris, Wildcat

Melinda Moustakis, Homestead

Denis Mukwege, The Power of Women